Friday, 21 March 2008

Space shuttle Endeavour is nearing the end of its present stay at the International Space Station.

Earlier in the mission both ISS and Endeavour could be seen , naked eye , over the UK.

Take a look at the image ( right ) . It was taken on March 13 , using a webcam equipped telescope , about an hour after the two craft docked.

Flying into an orbital sunrise Endeavour is easy to see . We are looking at it end on , with the tail fin and darker OMS pods just visible.
You can see many other images and videos of spacecraft on my main website.
ISS will be a feature in UK skies again in early April .By then Endeavour will have departed , but ESAs Automated Transfer vehicle ( ATV ) will be making its first approach and docking.
Why not make a note in your diary to pop back to SATCOMBLOG nearer the time for further information.

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